Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Christopher Dillingham Blew Up Family Dog, Won't Face Animal Cruelty Charges: Police

Huffington Post:

Yes, you did just read that title correctly. Mr. Christopher Dillingham did blow up his Labrador Retriever, Cabella, with an explosive device tied around the poor animals neck. *Warning* The video is simply heart-wrenching; Cabella's previous owner speaks (or more like cries) about how he feels on his old dog's death and what he thinks should be done. The rest of the news article can make you feel angry and shocked. 

So Dillingham received Cabella merely six months ago because Cabella's previous owner, Ty Freemantle,  had to move and could not keep Cabella. Freemantle's best friend recommended Freemantle to give Cabella to the Dillinghams. Freemantle inspected the house and talked to Dillingham's ex-girlfriend, but he thinks it was not enough. Six months from receiving Cabella, Dillingham blows up Cabella at 4 a.m. and leaves her body parts strewn across his yard. 

However, the most shocking issue is, Dillingham is "charged with reckless endangerment and possession of an explosive device" but he is NOT charged for animal cruelty. Why? Supposedly, poor Cabella did not suffer and her death was "instantaneous", so it isn't animal cruelty. 

WHAT?! I find it extremely unfair that Dillingham blew up a dog and isn't charged with cruelty. Also, how do people know that the dog did not suffer? I would expect there would have been mistreatment of the dog before Dillingham decided to blow her up. Dillingham's excuse was his ex-girlfriend "put the devil in it", it meaning Cabella. Alright, so I don't believe that, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. If the "devil" really was in the dog, wouldn't it be better to put Cabella to sleep instead of blowing her up? That seems a little too cruel for my taste. 

 I hope that Dillingham sees what he did and I hope he NEVER does this again. Hopefully, Freemantle will get over his loss of Cabella as well. This news article is extremely depressing and I am not very pleased with the charges Dillingham has (or doesn't have). 


  1. What a horrendous article. I cannot believe that anyone would do such a terrible thing. I also agree with you that he has not been punished with sufficient severity. This is extremely cruel and he should be punished for this. It is a wonder that he has not been arrested. Also, nicely written blog. Good job.

    1. I know right? This is outraging! I'm pretty sure he is arrested though, his bail is currently $500,000, if I remember correctly.

      Thanks for the comment!

  2. Hi Tiffany!
    I actually heard about this a few days ago from a friend and I, too, upon heating felt shocked and confused.
    It would seem that Dillingham has some mental problems yet this wasn't even suspected as a cause of his actions.
    Although if I were Freemantle, it would be hard for me to get over the guilt of being the one to pave the road to Cabella's death, hopefully Freemantle will be able to get over Cabella soon.
    Your strong stance on this topic was well expressed throughout your commentary. Good!
