Wednesday, July 10, 2013

T-Mobile's New Jump Plan Gives Customers a New Phone Every Few Months

LA Times:,0,5506192.story

So first off, the title completely caught my attention when I saw this on the LA Times website (which is the point of the title, so congratulations and good job to those people). My initial response when I read this article was disbelief. There has been so many new phones made in the last couple years and smart phones are now the must-have of the 21st century, but a new phone every few months is something new for me. (Especially since I have had my phone for well over 3 years and it is still in working condition.)

Quite honestly, I don't feel as though people should be so phone crazy. According to the article, a person with the Jump plan could potentially have up to four smart phones in only 18 months. That seems a little extravagant to me. In my opinion, the Jump plan seems like an amazing deal for people who can afford it, as in really afford it and not, "Oh, I think I can make ends meet for these new phones". With the economy issues, I don't believe encouraging people to get new, expensive phones every few months is the proper way to go. The article says "potentially four phones in 18 months for  about $900, or about $50 a month." I don't know about the majority of the world, but an extra $50 a month for 18 months for potentially four phones is not exactly in my view of affordable or reasonable. 

The overall structure of the news article is simple and well organized. Each section is clearly labeled with a sub-heading and the information presented does not digress from the main point in each section. Each section is further broken down into paragraphs. Each paragraph states an idea or a quote that clearly relates to the section it is under. So, the organization is quite well organized and presented, which is important to a news article. 

In conclusion, I have doubts about T-Mobiles new Jump plan. In my opinion, (and I emphasize MY OPINION) I do not think that this plan is very reasonable for people, especially since the economy is not in the best condition right now. I'm interested in how others will view this new plan. I'm sure it will be met with  both disbelief and anticipation. The structure is very well organized and makes the article easy to follow and I am curious to see how well this plan will be in the eyes of the public.

Now that I've written all of that, I just have to say, "HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE SISTER STEPHANIE!!!" I might as well write that since I'm just sitting here and trying to burn as much time as productively as I can before dinner. (that may have been a run-on, but it's not exactly part of my blog about the news article. I just realized that I could probably go on and write a bunch of random things, but I have a feeling I will be judged for this. Oh well, you PACE people already know me for me, especially the back half of the classroom. Now I shall say goodbye to you people because I'm just rambling on and on. ADIOS!)


  1. I think having four smartphones is a waste of money too. Why would you spend that much to have FOUR phones. I mean, you only need one phone to do everything. Paying $50 a month is equivalent to paying a prestige internet. I think I would rather have a high quality internet than have four phones that I do not need.

    1. I'm glad to see that you see that it may be a waste of money. $50 dollars a month saved over a year is $600 dollars! You could do so much more with that money!

  2. I agree with your point about how T-Mobile's jump plan is ridiculous but all in all, it's a great idea for the company. The phone craze in today's society is so ridiculous that many naive people will get this plan. Both you and I know the troubles of having an old phone but there are people out in the world who can NOT handle having "old" technology. I agree with your point, however, on a business point of view, I must say T-Mobile is using a great idea to try and get more business.

    1. My phone isn't THAT old, but it does have its issues. It IS a good strategy for business, but I'm not sure if it will be extremely profitable in the long run.

  3. The structure of your post is well organized; each paragraph didn’t diverge from the main topic. And I also agree with your opinion, especially in the second paragraph where you included a quote about making ends meet JUST for the new plan. The money that will be put into it could definitely be used for something better, like going to charity or other types of needs, not just used for wants.

    1. Thank you!

      The money used for the new phones would certainly be put to better use for charity or educational materials (like the TI-89 Titanium, right?). It will be interesting to see how well this new plan will last. :)
