Sunday, July 7, 2013

Gun Sales are Rising

So first off, gun usage and rights in America is an issue that is completely surrounded in controversy. Being a minor, I do not really have much say in these issues, so I usually just sit back and watch other people argue pointlessly on their beliefs on gun usage (which can get surprisingly intense, which I still find funny). With the controversy lies another subject which is in the "gun usage and rights" category, gun sales. This will be my interpretation on gun sales, which has rose frighteningly in just the past year.

Within the past couple years, gun sales have gone up around a 43% year-on-year rise. The surge in gun sales results from incidents such as the massacre at the Sandy Hook elementary school of Connecticut in December of 2012, the Dark Knight Rises shooting and gassing in Colorado in July of 2012, and after Barack Obama's re-election in November. It seems like each event brings on the urge to be protected and equipped for self defense.

In the article, it talks about how gun sales rise as an effect of mass shootings  According to the article, after all these events, the number of background checks to be legible for a gun license rose. This shows how people are frightened by these events and want to find a way to feel protected. Ironically, the way for a vast majority of people to find protection is to obtain the very objects that caused the incident, guns. However, most people seek to own a gun as merely a precaution to what may happen. Since we do not possess the ability to predict the future, we must prepare ourselves for everything that may go wrong. To most people, having access to a gun provides a sense of security since in most peoples' opinions, who in the right of mind wants to mess with the guy with a loaded gun? (Answer, not many sane people). As a result of the gun abuse in Colorado and Connecticut, people are seeking to obtain a gun to use for self-defense since they want to be able to fight back and have a chance to live in case of an attack.

For the rise in gun sales after Barack Obama's re-election, it is also a precaution for safety as well. Gun buyers feared a clampdown on gun sales, which takes away from the availability for legally obtaining guns and weapons. These people fear to be left in the dust while others are equipped with dangerous items, leaving them more vulnerable to attacks.

Guns seem to be seen as a protective item. People want them to assure themselves that they can fight back if the occasion arises. They assure themselves that the gun will used for self-defense after seeing the devastating effects that a gun can have on the world after incidents like the Sandy Hooks massacre and the Dark Knight Rises cinema shooting and gassing. People want to be be protected from these events, which cause them to buy guns, leading to an increase on gun sales. In conclusion, gun sales rise after incidents involving the use (or misuse) of guns and the possibility of losing the rights to have access to guns.  


  1. Interesting analysis. I especially appreciate the irony you highlight in people's turning to that which is the agency for violence (viz., guns). There is a logical gap I'd like to fill in for those less versed in politics. You note President Obama's re-election as a cause for higher gun sales, explaining that gun aficionados feared a clampdown. Why exactly would there be a clampdown? Conventional wisdom suggests that, because the president is of the Democratic Party, he would be inclined to restrict the sale and purchase of guns (i.e., impose a clampdown). Now, were you to use this example on an SAT prompt regarding rights, would you take the stance that greater oversight (e.g., licensing requirements) is an infringement on constitutional rights or a necessary step to protecting said rights? Just something to think about. Oh, and please do be mindful of grammar. Please note the subject-verb agreement issue in the second sentence of the second paragraph: "The surge...result. . . ."

    1. Oops, sorry about the subject-verb agreement issue.

  2. This article and your stance on the issue is very justifiable, and I also agree with the idea that people want protection. After the massive shootings that have occurred, the Sandy Hook and Dark Knight Rises mentioned in the article, it seems probable that people want guns as a sense of security. Although it is a sense of security, it also seems that a rise in gun sales is risky considering also the rise in shootings this past year. I appreciate your statement that the thought of being defenseless while others may have guns also instigates a rush in buying them. It is also seems likely that if Obama issues a clampdown on these gun sales, the issue will bring out a huge controversy due to the number of people who are against violating the amendment stating the right to bear arms. All in all i enjoyed reading your blog on this issue and your stance is one that I agree on.

    1. Opps, this response is really late, but thanks!
      It really seems as though the world cannot simply be at peace with everyone else. It is so sad. Thanks again!

  3. I enjoyed reading your article and I must say I agree with your opinions. I can see how people began buying more guns for self defense and I can see how the rise of gun sales has risen due to Obama's re-election. Bringing up tragic events such as the Dark Knight Shooting and the Sandy Hook incident also further strengthens your point of view and is two excellent topics to relate to about this article.

    1. I do like to have good reasons when I'm debating (as you might know), so thanks! I hope the shootings will lessen this year!

  4. I liked how you were able to give your commentary about the article without making it all summary, like most other posts. It's really ironic how after there were all theses shootings and abuses of guns, there are more guns bought now. These people do want to protect themselves ofcouse, but it makes you wonder: Will this trend of increased gun ownership actually cause more deaths and tragedies?

    1. Why, thank you :)

      In response to your question, I certainly hope it will not! We do not need more tragedies or deaths. :S
